My three graces
Three Diverse Women Accepting and Loving Each Other
My three graces
The 3 unique and original pieces for three different womenresilient, reinvented, adapted, empowered, beautiful, accepting and loving, who have grown up and found peace in anxiety. Paradox and icons of some of the sectors most affected by the crisis: Culture, Health and Tourism.
Isabel, A light, flexible, petite, strong woman, with a soft voice that comes from within, to sing those songs that her ancestors already knew, she has paid a price to be free and she has earned her wings. The grace that represents culture.
Inma, A woman brought up in tradition, she has peeled back the layers to what is her raison d'être, caring for others, and like Chinese vases she displays the joints with pride. The grace that represents healing.
Sara, a strong-looking woman, a protective lioness with a tender interior. She broke her cage, let out her tears and the hugs healed her. Lives for travelling ,with a light backpack, looking for authenticity in the eyes of their animals. The grace that Tourism represents.
My thanks are real, authentic womenThey cry, laugh, sink and dance. They have survived, they have adapted, they are beautiful and feel good in their skin, despite the love handles, the wrinkles, the dark circles under the eyes,... They are older but they feel better than ever because they are where they want to be, and with whom they want to be, they are no longer afraid of "looking bad", of not following fashion, of making a fool of themselves....
They express themselves with their words, with their activities, with their company, with their clothes.
They are what they are. Unique pieces